The Team

Lab members

Vincent Maire

Lab Leader

Plant-Soil Ecology 


Virginie Favreau 

MSc. Student

Plant-Soil Ecology


Elyse Malleret

MSc. Student

Tree Ecophysiology


Marie-Ange Moisan 

PhD. Student

Wetland Ecology


Toky Jeriniaina Rabearison


Wetland Ecology


Didier Philippo

MSc. Student

Wetland Ecology


Marilie Tétreault

MSc. Student

Plant-Soil Ecology


Jennifer Paillassa 

PhD. Student

Leaf Ecophysiology


Visiting researchers

Julien Meilhac - PhD Student at INRA-Lusignan (June 2017)

Anja Petek - PDF at ASCR Institute of Botany (September 2022)

Peter Petrik - PDF at Czech Globe (September 2022)


Jennifer Paillassa - PhD 2024, Biologist

Laurent Lamarque - PDF 2024 - Researcher at CFL - Natural Resources Canada

Laurence Earls-Bélanger - MSc 2024, Biologist at MELCCFP

Charlotte Marquis - MSc 2024, UDEM student in Physics

Lucas Deschamps - MSc 2018 & PhD 2023, PDF UQTR with E. Lévesque

Caroline Macarez - MSc 2023, Biologist at Sambba (OBV)

Isabelle Gosselin - MSc 2023, Biologist at MELCCFP

Romane Hubert - Montpellier University internship 2022

Amélie Morneault - MSc 2022, Biologist at AECOM

Jérémie Boulay - BSc Student 2022, Farmer

Jim Felix-Faure - Post-Doc 2021, Engineer at University of Monptellier

Roxanne Giguère-Tremblay - BSc 2017 & MSc 2021, PhD. at UQTR with V. Fugère & F. Guillemette

François Tanguay - BSc 2020, Environmental Coordinator at Glencore-Raglan Mine 

Catherine Simard-Dunn - BSc 2020, Biologist at SAMBBA (OBV)

Alexandre Proulx - MSc 2020, Biologist at MELCCFP

Véronique Roy-Blais - BSc 2019, Horticulturist

Annie Picard - B.Sc. 2018, Sustainable Development Advisor at College Rosemont

Joannie Vertefeuille - B.Sc. 2018, Now studying veterinary at UQAM

Jean-Sébastien Laplante - B.Sc. 2018, Biologist at RAPPEL, Sherbrooke

Perrine Juilllion - ENSAT internship 2017, Research Engineer at Sun'Agri

Pier-Olivier Cusson - B.Sc. 2017, Now in PhD. at Sherbrooke University with Fannie Pelletier

Caroline Turcotte - B.Sc. 2017, Dental Hygienist

Olivier Chouinard - B.Sc. 2017, Technician at MELCCFP

Alexandre East - B.Sc. 2017, Fish farmer at 9008-9129 Quebec Inc 

Hugo Tremblay - B.Sc. 2017, Researcher assistant at MELCCFP

Théo Allart - B.Sc. 2016, Biologist at Conseil des Abenakis Odanak